🚩 Due to beta-phase status, methods used to calculate total and category scores are not completely accurate and are heavily subject to change later on.

Personalized Privacy
using the power of AI

Volapyk (“vola-pike”) uses machine learning to automate the processing of privacy policies and terms of service. Our goal is to make privacy a univeral right, and we believe that starts with awareness. All consumers should be able to make an educated choice about how their data is used.

Explore Scored Services

Current Progress


Project Phase

Aug 1

Planned Final Launch


Scored Services

A Simple Scoring Model

Every service is given an overall score out of ten. The overall score comes from averaging the scores of eight privacy categories. Service cards on the homepage have the eight categories color coded using the key shown. Within each service page, categories can be toggled to show the individual privacy cases that make up the category score.

Log of Project Changes
Category Color Key
A category where the service does well
A category where the service does neither good or bad
A category where the service could use improvement
A category where the service does very poorly

Overall Service Score

Our Team

We strive to integrate as many perspectives as possible into our final product. We have worked with educational leaders at Columbia, Yale, the University of Washington and much more. We have also recieved input from leaders in cybersecurity through professional organizations like the ISSA and ISC2. We would love to hear your thoughts as well!

Contact Us
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image description

Company Roadmap

Volapyk means language of the world, and we are committed to making privacy understandable for the masses in beta and beyond. Here are some of our longer term intitiatives. For status updates on our largest projects look at the Member Benefits page.

Member Benefits
Short Term
Add case pages to show specific quotes backing each case for every service; Establish strong scoring formula and review cases with network; Improve ease of use on the preferences selection
Medium Term
Expand from 17 Alpha services to 7500+ final services; User selects case ratings for personalized service scores; Send alerts for positive or negative changes to service scores
Long Term
Enable instant checker for web links; Create browser extension; Recommend alternative services